среда, 3 июля 2024 г.

"ИЗЫСКАННЫЙ ФАРФОР ДЛЯ ЧАЯ, КОФЕ И ШОКОЛАДА | PORCELAIN CUP (BONHAMS AUCTION) \23\" новая тема в группе "Россия. Европа, Америка: далее - везде"

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Добрый день, erlut1.ernest@blogger.com!
В группе Россия. Европа, Америка: далее - везде — новая тема:
ИЗЫСКАННЫЙ ФАРФОР ДЛЯ ЧАЯ, КОФЕ И ШОКОЛАДА | PORCELAIN CUP (BONHAMS AUCTION) \23\ lomovolga A Vienna, Sorthenthal period, coffee can and saucer, circa 1802 A Berlin cabinet cup and saucer, circa 1815 A Vienna, Sorgenthal period, blue-ground coffee can and saucer, circa 1801 A Berlin cabinet cup and saucer, circa 1803-13 A Marcolini Meissen faux-bois-ground covered cup and saucer, early 19th century A Berlin cabinet cup and saucer, circa 1803-13 A Paris gilt-ground cabinet cup and saucer, circa 1810 A Meissen commemorative cup and saucer with an associated cover, circa 1810 Three Meissen topographical cabinet cups, circa 1820 A Vienna cabinet cup and saucer, circa 1814 A Marcolini Meissen blue-ground covered portrait cup and saucer, circa 1800-1810 A Berlin cabinet cup and a later saucer, circa 1827 A Vienna, Sorgenthal period, gold-ground cabinet cup and sacuer, circa 1789 A Vienna blue-ground cabinet cup and saucer, circa 1808 A Meissen teabowl and saucer, circa 1725 A Meissen teabowl and saucer, circa 1725 A Royal Copenhagen cabinet cup and saucer, dated 1852 A Berlin cabinet cup and saucer, circa 1803-13 A Svres hard-paste cup and saucer (goblet litron et soucoupe, 3ime grandeur) circa 1773-75 A Berlin topographical cabinet cup and saucer, circa 1800-10 A Marcolini Meissen blue-ground cup and saucer depicting Count and Countess Marcolini, circa 1790 A Berlin portrait cup and saucer, circa 1800-10 A large Vienna topographical cup, circa 1807 A Vienna topographical cup and saucer, circa 1818, A Svres cup and saucer (gobelet Hbert et soucoupe), circa 1773 A Meissen teabowl and saucer, circa 1730 A Du Paquier two-handled beaker and trembleuse stand, circa 1730-35 A SVRES TREMBLEUSE CUP AND SAUCER 1764 A Vienna, Sorgenthal period, cabinet cup and saucer, circa 1801 A Berlin gold-ground topographical cabinet cup and saucer, circa 1832-37 A Svres cup and saucer, circa 1762 A Meissen chocolate beaker and saucer, circa 1730 A Svres green-ground cup and saucer, circa 1811 A porcelain hot chocolate cup and saucer, Gardner Porcelain Factory, Verbilki, late 18th century CUP CABINET ...
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